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دانلود آهنگ دی جی علی گیتور Screw You

دانلود آهنگ جدید دی جی علی گیتور بنام Screw You
Download Music Dj AligatorScrew You

آهنگ Screw You دی جی علی گیتور

متن آهنگ
متن آهنگ Screw You از دی جی علی گیتور

Let me tell you what
You’re a fucking slut
This is DJ Aligator and I’m on the cut
Let me tell you what
You’re a fucking slut
This is DJ Aligator and I’m on the cut
───┤ ♩♬♫♪♭ ├───
I’m gonna screw you
I’m gonna screw you
Now that’s the way I screw you
───┤ ♩♬♫♪♭ ├───
At this exact moment in time
You are now officially all my victims
You know what I came for
Give it to me
───┤ ♩♬♫♪♭ ├───
I’m gonna screw you all
Now that’s the way I screw you
───┤ ♩♬♫♪♭ ├───
Everywhere I go
I always meet a hoe
Who wants it like she needs it but she never tell me no
───┤ ♩♬♫♪♭ ├───
I’m gonna screw you all
Now that’s the way I screw you
───┤ ♩♬♫♪♭ ├───
If you don’t believe that I’m exactly who I say I am
If you don’t believe that I really don’t give a damn
I ain’t gonna send a telegram
I’m gonna ask all of you people out there
To put your hands up and assume the position
And you know why
───┤ ♩♬♫♪♭ ├───
Because I’m gonna screw you
Now that’s the way I screw you

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